The role that clubs and societies play, and have played, in supporting amateur activties across the country is both unique and unparelleled but their true value within communities is almost certainly underestimated. Not only have they helped millions of individuals follow their passions and develop their talents but the list of benefits to the wider community is incalculable. The economy benefits through using local services, the hiring of venues and premises and the purchase or hire of materials and equipment. Education benefits through teaching and the passing on of expertise, possibly for future employment, and increasing self confidence by improving communication skills and social networking. Charities across the country, both local and national, benefit substantially from the year-round fundraising by clubs and societies who in themselves are often short of funds. But perhaps it's socially were the impact is greatest and where quality of life is enhanced through new friendships with likeminded people engaged in something they truly enjoy. Many find a renewed sense of purpose when sharing insights and experiences and exploring new ideas and maybe even re-discovering their true potential.
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